Satoshi Nakamoto Ultimately Revealed His Own Identity

Dr Josef Hoffman
23 min readFeb 5, 2021

By Hoffman Investigation

Breaking News !

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto ?

Special Feature News Report

The Final Answer By Satoshi Nakamoto Himself

An Extra Ordinary Claim Requires an Extra Ordinary Evidence.

Dr Josef Hoffman Corporate Investigative Journalist. Economic Intelligence Unit. London

Its has taken Six years for Hoffman Investigation Team of Six People to Find Satoshi Nakamoto. Hoffman Investigation Team has travelled more than 50 countries and attended over 100 conferences to find the elusive inventor of Bitcoin the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. The Hoffman Investigation Team has interviewed Satoshi Nakamoto 8 times and conclusively discovered that the case of Satoshi Nakamoto and his Bitcoin and Blockchain invention is a concrete classified mater. This is why no journalist has managed to unmask Satoshi Nakamoto. Is it not shame for the multi media reporters worldwide failling to uncover the elusive Bitcoin inventor Stephen Nour Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto but rather it is a Bitcoin Drama designed by himself.

Hoffman Investigation is publishing first the News Report to announce that Satoshi Nakamoto is ready to revealed his own identity because of some serious reasons.

The complete Hoffman Investigation Report on Who isa Satoshi Nakamoto and Why he remained anonymous over a decade will be published soon.

Stephen Mollah is Satoshi Nakamoto the Inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology

Hoffman Investigation Team has Found Satoshi Nakamoto, the Elusive Inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology in London. His Real Name is Stephen Nour Mollah.

Blockchain Inventor Stephen Mollah With His Blockchain Bag.

Official Notice:

The information that ‘Hoffman Investigation’ has circulated is profoundly authentic and true; there is no party; who can challenge Hoffman Investigation. Dr Josef Hoffman is an Investigative Journalist, whom Reverend Stephen Nour Mollah a.k.a, Satoshi Nakamoto has fully trusted. As he is an impartial and trust worthy journalist. If anyone try to challenge the Hoffman Investigation; must do diligence research before writing any challenging article; making any ridiculous comments or intend to publish any verdict against Hoffman Investigation and finding. If any cynic News media reporters or Bitcoin and Blockchain experts; those who are seeking Cryptographic Proof of evidence, are welcome to meet first Dr Josef Hoffman; He will arrange such meeting with the Bitcoin and Blockchain Inventor Stephen Nour Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto; and provide any such extra ordinary evidence or proof that they may need to verify the authentic facts that, indeed Stephen Nour Mollah is the genuine inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology; and sole author of the Bitcoin White Paper.

The decade old tantalising question, Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, the elusive inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology ? Millions of people worldwide want to know the Inventor of Bitcoin, over the last ten years. Pundit, Stephen Nour Mollah is the Inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology. The pseudonymous elusive Satoshi Nakamoto. He launched his Bitcoin Project, under his Japanese pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

Part One:

Hoffman Investigation has finally solved the decade old mystery, of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology invention; that has disrupted everything money world-wide; After five years of investigation, Dr Josef Hoffman has found the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto, in London; Reverend Stephen Nour Mollah, is the man, behind the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. All the news media reporters worldwide have failed, to unmask the inventor of Bitcoin, and Blockchain technology; over the last 9 years. There must be some hidden reasons, for their failure. Reverend Stephen Nour Mollah has revealed, that the reasons are very much concrete classified facts. Many people were thought to be Satoshi Nakamoto; also, some others have impersonated his Japanese pseudonym, for scamming many investors.

Factually, Stephen Nour Mollah never wanted to reveal his real identity, but as something has gone seriously wrong. so, he has changed his mind. He hasstated, that the government’s secret service, British Metropolitan Police, and more than 40 Bitcoin community leaders, know his true identity. So, there is no point for him to remain silence, while thousands of news media reporters are searching for him worldwide; because of huge public interest to know the true invention story of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, from the man who invented it. Reverend Stephen Nour Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto has finally granted Dr Josef Hoffman, to publish his genuine identity to any such interested news media.

Some people thought, the name Satoshi Nakamoto sound like Japanese and maybe, he is a Japanese national, but many others were convinced, that the Name Satoshi Nakamoto seems like a pseudonym, and he potentially could be a British man. Indeed, the name ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ is his Japanese pseudonym, and the true inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, is a British Asian man. He is an economic and monetary scientist; who has a One-Man Mission, to reform and improve the global financial service system, by innovating financial technology.

After 15 years of constant research on digital currency, and political economics, Reverend Stephen Mollah started,to design the Bitcoin Core Network Protocol, and its architect,on 31stof October 2006. He discovered a complex mathematical algorithm on the 3rdof January 2007. There after he invented the Blockchain technology, on the 5th of April 2007 at 3:36 AM. At the beginning, he mined 14 Blocks, using mathematical calculation, without computers, from the Genesis Block to Block 13. Stephen Nour Mollah embedded the times’ news article head line, ‘Chancellor on Brink of Second Bailout for Banks; for time stamping of the Genesis Block mining; and he securely created the G-Hash for the Genesis Block, with SHA 256 as Proof-of-work; that requires extra zeroes, at the beginning of G-Hash;where he securely inserted his personal identification codes, for future reference.Thereafter he constructed the Blockchain, and started mining Bitcoin computationally. He first mined 19701 Blocks, which is 985,050 Bitcoins. He transferred all those Bitcoins, to the Coinbase. He allocated all of his first mined about 1.1 million Bitcoins, to his Tulip Trust for his charity work, called Orphans care International. After writing the Bitcoin White Paper, Bitcoin Manifesto and Bitcoin Transaction paper; which is called the Blockchain Technology Protocol. Then He published first, the Bitcoin White Paper, in Source Forge on 5 April 2007, and created the Bitcoin@Bitcoin, the Twitter account, and many more other accounts on twitter, in the April and May 2007. He created His PGP account, and published it on MIT, which was compromised.

He planned ahead in May 2007, to publish his Bitcoin White Paper, in Metz Dowd a Cryptographic Mailing List, on 31stof October 2008 the Halloween day, and finally to launch the Bitcoin Core Network, and the Blockchain transaction software, on the 3rdof January 2009. Then he created another twitter account called halfin@ on twitter, which mean Halloween Finance. Then he decided to give this account, to Hal Finney the creator of PGP Protocol; so, he read much about Hal Finney, and copied one of his photos from the Internet, and uploaded it, in the halfin@ account, as he decided to give this account, to Hal Finney as a present. When he mined the Block 9, he decided to make a test transaction, of 10 Bitcoins, and he wrote Hal Finney’s name on this Wallet, as he was thinking to give him the first transacted 10 Bitcoin as a gift to him. Then he posted first 37 Messages on this halfin@twitter account. Later, in October Hal Finney came to London,

with his Cousin Alex Finney and His father Lou Finney and Wei Dai, to meet Satoshi Nakamoto secretly in Croydon, South London. Satoshi Nakamoto was planning to contact, as many people as possible to invite them to let them know about the Bitcoin Talk Forum. He decided to create a Bitcoin Drama story called, ‘Dread Pirate Roberts.’ He wanted to create a Cartoon project to launch the Bitcoin and Blockchain. So, he downloaded about 10 peoples’ pictures, who could potentially play a role in the Cartoon ‘Dread Pirate Roberts.’ So, Stephen Nour Mollah chose 10 Roberts, and their real names are Roberts.

While Stephen Nour Mollah was Planning for the Bitcoin launching procedures, in May 2007, he was experiencing some security problem; so, he quickly decided to launch his Bitcoin project, under his Japanese Pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, on 3rdJanuary 2009; instead in his official name Stephen Nour Mollah. After launching the bitcoin project, he planned to disappeared from the Bitcoin Forum on the 12 December 2010. He has laid down the foundation of the emerging, decentralised digital financial service system; Many people have joined his Bitcoin Project, after he published the Bitcoin White Paper, on the Internet; under his Japanese pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, for experimentation; and they are working together to innovate finance, to create a positive financial climate change.

He has proven that, all the governments were unable to reform, the financial system, as the governments are formed, for a short-term period basis, by the feudal financial elites, to protect their clandestine private financial, and political interest mainly; governments are powerless to distribute wealth evenly. Most of the times the central bankers create, artificial financial crash and austerity, to blame on government’s performance, stock market and commercial banks’ performance; those who work for them as credit distributors. The purpose of the artificial financial crash they create, in every ten years, is to legitimise further quantitative easing. Literally the central bankers manipulate government, to obtain permission for quantitative easing. At this stage many dishonest Politicians of the newly formed government, get the perfect opportunity to collect booty, in millions from the newly issued money, by the Central Bank.

Central Banks create money out of nothing, with quantitative easing. Which means devaluation of currency and further inflation. The money that the Central bank creates out of nothing, the government has to borrow it from the central bank; it is a clandestine defrauding the public institution, known as government. Governments should have the full control over the creation of money, by quantitative easing to spend on national social services.

The gap between rich and poor have widened, very far and wide. National sovereign debts burden is a serious problem, for the under developing, and poor countries. Stephen Noor Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto has identified, some government’s dishonest politicians, who have collaboratively mismanaged the global financial system; in partnership with the mega super rich financial elites.

He has pointed out, that the entire banking industries, are owned and controlled by only 40,000 families; which is unjust. This is why, the Central Bankers do not like the Bitcoin, a decentralised financial paradigm. He has also stated that 70% of the global wealth, is own by only 185 families; which is, very much disturbing. Stephen Nour Mollah was denied, £20,000 Pound loan, by the bank to start his Eurobond business in 1995. He could not follow the Robin Hood’s Protocol that suggest, robbing the rich and giving it to the poor is righteousness;instead he created his own money, called decentralised Bitcoin.

It is widely known as Bitcoin, A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System; which is nick named as crypto currency. Government must understand, that banks should not have the rights, to debase our public money. Solution to the national sovereign debts burden, and economic problem can be overcome, by nationalizing the Central Bank; which the Central Banking elites are scared of; because it eliminates their absolute clandestine cloistered controlling power, over the financial institution; known as Central Bank. Literally, no government has the power to issue money, because most of the Central banks are private enterprises; which are owned privately, by a syndicated group of shareholders, those who are known as financial elites.

By convention of democratic and judicial legal statutes, anybody can create their own monetary, and financial inventory products, as credit notes; stock shares and securities bonds, to circulate it for anyone to buy and use it. Reverend Stephen Nour Mollah, a ground-breaking economic and monetary scientist, who has crafted the Bitcoin protocol, and invented the Blockchain technology. He has created the decentralized Bitcoin, which is a peer-to -peer electronic cash system computationally; a form of cryptographic financial product, or asset and digital financial service mechanism; to empower the governments and general public worldwide.

Instead the UK Government adopting the Bitcoin Protocol and recognise, Stephen Mollah’s life long works; the Government’s secret service, central banking family sponsored thugs, and mafias are together dangerously persecuting Stephen Nour Mollah. He stated that, they are persecuting him wrongly, HE DID NOT CREATE Bitcoin to take over the Central Banking industry. He has created the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology to innovate finance, and to give new opportunity to millions of unfortunate poor people world-wide. Stephen Mollah never said, that Bitcoin will replace the Central Bank issued fiat paper currency. It is the Cypherpunks who has wrongly cited this to create a confusion. The governments Secret service agents are persecuting him wrongly for two reasons, because Bitcoin and Blockchain has disrupted, and undermined their banking system, and because he believes in libertarianism and justifiable and social economic system; instead of extreme form of capitalism.

Part Two:

Reverend Stephen Mollah has discovered, that something is wrong, in the name of immoderate inheritance rights, and rights to own unlimited amounts of wealth, by those privileged small numbers of people. Therefore, he has constituted and set up a new kind of socio-political, and economic institutions; which is purely based on meritocratic democracy, instead of dictatorial feudal democracy; which is run and controlled, by a selective group of party politicians; who are backed by some hidden group of financial bankers, and their employers the feudal financial elites. Governing institution and financial institution are two different main organisations; that a country depend on. So, these two organisations must be fully corruption free.

Extreme form of capitalism is, as bad as the dictatorial communism and dictatorial socialism; where only few peoples own mountain heights of wealth, by deception and the rest of the population even cannot own the house, they live in. Ownership of wealth need to be moderated and it is necessary, to redistribute the new wealth. As a social engineer and economic scientist, Stephen Nour Mollah has formulated and constituted a better kind of governing institution; and financial service providing institutions; which he has defined it as; ‘consensus based moderated governing mechanism, and secure financial service providing system, and science of Financial technology.’ It is fully based on his invention Blockchain; which is a universal immutable public ledger technology; that has the full potentials and capability to function predictably; with trustable computational logic-based ideology of technic; that is fully trustworthy and corruption less. It is simply known as ‘Moderate Financial System’.

If a government or central bank fail, to fulfil its real purpose and role, to serve the general public efficiently and transparently, means the public will lose their trust on government, or central bank eventually. Stephen Nour Mollah’s invention; Bitcoin and blockchain technology is a perfect remedy, and solution to all the major problems, the governments and the central banks are facing globally, in the modern times. Governing system and central banking service, must not be detached, from each other. Hoarding huge amounts of gold or wealth, by any such few numbers of privileged persons, or syndicated group and they buried it in the vault, for future security of their future generations is, vindictive and ridiculously injudicious; according to their private inheritance rights of, unlimited wealth ownership is disgracefully wrong. As it will potentially limit the creative power of working, of their future generation’s survival, and many other multi-billions of people, will not be able to own any things at all. This is injustice. People should have a justifiable right to own wealth and property. The Bitcoin and Blockchain technology based governing system, central banking services and meritocratic social science, of human ingenuity provides full guarantee; of sustenance to everyone; regardless of their race, class, colour, gender or religious faith. Therefore, there will be a universal human security system, for everyone, which is Blockchain technology-based system of social services, which he named universal credit. The Central banking service system has to be nationalised, and updated for the greater beneficial purpose, of the general public.

International cross boarder financial service system, must not be privatised, or controlled by any kinds of selective group of divinely privileged people; or any particular super rich country. Which the super-rich financial elites use it, as their clandestine privileged, and feudal inheritance rights. International financial transaction service system should be managed, under a unified global consensus based financial system of banking; instead of monopolised reserve currency-based system of international banking. Bitcoin is the perfect universal cross border payment service system; which Stephen Mollah has designed to use it, for fixing the global financial service providing problems. Monopoly reserve currency system, and Foreign Currency Exchange Regimesare feudal empire building simulated financial art of deception; which has created an imbalance, in the International Financial System. Inequality has grown up very wider in a scale, that many social engineer cannot imagine how to solve the problems; . Therefore, Bitcoin, A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, is the perfect remedy; which is beneficial for not only international payment system, without going through a third party; but it will eventually become the correct form of financial system, that cannot be debased, by any kind of crooks or thieves. Stephen Mollah has formulated and written, the New Economic and monetary Philosophy; that clearly provide correct form of economic literacy, to the general public and to the government’s officials. Bitcoin, the decentralised financial paradigm is a challenge, for the old financial system; but as it has gone to the wrong direction, because of an international organised pirates attack, on him personally. So, he has decided to reveal his identity, to find a solution to the problem, by an open dialogue with those peoples, who are responsible. He said, the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology has, become a very much disruptive invention. He is concern about the future of the world peace, and prosperity for all the nations.

Bitcoin the digital currency has ignited a currency war, between governments. He does not wish, it to move toward further more wrong direction, that could lead the nations to get engaged, in world war III. He has revealed, that the first and the second world war, were created by those feudal financial elites, to protect their clandestine private interest. So, he has designed, a new kind of financial art of balance, that could eliminate any potential resentment, between the financial elites themselves, as well as many governments. He is much more concerned, about the logic and reasons, for the creation of the nuclear war heads, by many governments; which has become a dangerous threat, to the human survival. He wants to enforce all the governments to defuse, all the nuclear war heads, as he is concerned and fears for the future of this beautiful planet earth.

Stephen Mollah has come from the future of mankind, to show a better way to create world peace; by reforming the international financial system. And giving people back their own economic rights. There is no need to keep all gold berried, in the vault with speculation, that gold is very precious metal. Foolish men of this planet earth dug out all the gold, from the deep of the earth; and buried it again in the vaults. He said, gold is the shiny metal to beautify ladies. Gold should be given to the goldsmith, to make ornaments for women. So, there will be less divorce.

Stephen Mollah has finally revealed, that an international governments friendly computer hackers’ group; known as Cypherpunks and the US Secret Service Agents collaboratively, with the British Metropolitan Police, together have robbed and hijacked his Bitcoin and Blockchain technology projects, from him. It was a serious and horrendous pirate attack on him. As he has described it, The British metropolitan Police fraudulently orchestrated, the falsified accusations against him, and took him to custody; in order to invade his family house in South London, to rob his computer’s hard drive and CDs and Diaries and all his Bitcoins. The Police deceptively kidnaped his three under age children and wife by fraudulent act of malice, and hatred against him; They kept them 18 months in a secret location, 180 Kilometres faraway from London, somewhere in Nottingham. Which has devastated his life forever. Stephen Mollah was house arrested for 8 months for no valid reasons, by the Croydon Crown Court Judge.

After the final hearing of the orchestrated fraudulent accusation case against Stephen Mollah, the juries found him fully innocent, and he was acquitted. The Metropolitan Police commissioners of the IPCC, has refused to investigate Stephen Nour Mollah’s Bitcoin and Blockchain robbery and hijacking case, for fear of metropolitan Police Scandal. The Westminster magistrate court, and the High Court of the United Kingdom also, have refused to consider his Bitcoin and Blockchain robbery and hijacking case, to be granted for hearing, and give him justice; because of some kinds of highly classified and strange reasons.

Part Tree:

The metropolitan Police and NHS Doctors together raided, in his house in 14 July 2015 and abducted him again, and fraudulently admitted him, by force in Gordon hospital, and held him therefor seven days, against his will, to persecute and torture him maliciously, to get hold on his stolen Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. They have injected liquid chemical, which is electrifying conductors known as electrodes, and ‘Polonium 210’ through electrolysis in his both hands, legs and head. For which Stephen Nour Mollah is suffering of it, very badly.

He appointed a solicitor for help, and he was discharged after a tribunal, after seven days. The persecution was ordered and facilitated by two persons, Stephen Mollah knew them in 1994, while he was conducting new religious cultural research. They have utterly ruined his life. He was re-arrested in January 2018, with another orchestrated false accusation by the Metropolitan Police, in order to seized his 3 computers’ hard drives, 9 memory sticks, 2 mobile phones and a big amounts of cash money. After the arrest, the police took everything from him, and let him go free, without any charge. His house was raided again, by the Metropolitan Police in March 2018, and his computers were taken away. The Criminal group methodically torturing him and his family members brutally, by using national health service and Doctors; to make him stressed and suffer gravely. One of the International organised group has systematically killed, both of his parents and two cousins, one relative, 6 friends and two workers, in his home country in South Asia.

The ITN interviewed him on 24thof March 2016; and wanted to produce a feature news storyabout his Bitcoin and Blockchain invention, robbery and hijacking case, for broadcasting in the ITV and channel 4; but a government’s secret spy invaded the meeting and interfered and stopped the ITN to produce and broadcast the news on ITV and Channel 4. The technology reporter Rory Chelan Jones of BBC has interviewed Reverend Stephen Mollah in 2016, about his Bitcoin and Blockchain invention and robbery and hijacking case, for one hour and 40 minutes, but he also has refused to broadcast it, stating, ‘if his statements are factual and true, it will be a biggest Metropolitan Police scandal’.

Stephen Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto is a victim of a high serious International organised crime; where the crime has been committed, by the British Metropolitan Police Service, collaboratively with the US secret service agents, and their infiltrated Cypherpunks agents. Those who are well known as government friendly computer hackers. Reverend Stephen Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto, is going through a dangerous threat. He is under 24 hours surveillance ever since, he invented the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. The Bitcoin community leaders, are selling his stolen Bitcoins and spending more than £2 Million Pounds a year, for surveillance on him, and persecuting him. They have rented apartments on the top of his apartment and below, for surveillance purposes, and they are shooting infrared microwave radiation, and high-power laser beam on him daily. They are using military equipment and X-ray Camera to see through the roof and floor to attack on him. Stephen Mollah was microchipped deceptively in December 2009 by the NHS Doctor and nurse. When he was fraudulently asked by his GP to go for an X-Ray for his mild back pain. He survived from more than 26 attacks by those organised criminal group in the last 7 years. Lately, Stephen Mollah was contacted by their highly trained secret spy to become his friend,and business partner, who has consensually abducted him, with deception, and took him to another country, where he was attacked by their secret agents.

Stephen Mollah has revealed, that an Impersonator of his Japanese Pseudonym, broadcasted by BBC in May 2016, who has written him threatening email to destroy him, if Stephen Mollah reveals his identity, and try to prove,that he is the real inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. They kept him silence for the last 10 years.

Reverend Stephen Mollah has been cornered, by those inter-governmental secret service agents and by the self-proclaimed Bitcoin Community leaders, and mafias, who together have robbed and hijacked all his Bitcoins and Blockchain technology projects, from him. They have utterly ruined his life, and completely taken over, all his digital currency projects from him. He has been pushed back too far, where a concrete Stone wall has touched his back. He can no longer be pushed backward any further. Stephen Mollah regretfully stated saying, ”I wish, I did not invent the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology at all, which has ruined my life”. The governments’ secret police and financial elites’ and Bitcoin community leaders’ sponsored thugs and mafias, are trying their best to persecute and silence him, for further long, as they have kept him silence for many years. He said, that he has not even have access to any of his first mined 985050 Bitcoins at all; so, why they are attacking on him ? He is a single individual and has no connection to any government or organisation. Nobody has sponsored him, to conduct his financial research work. He had no real intention, or plan to take over the world’s financial system, from the financial elites. He has clearly stated that, he is not an anarchist, and he has no link to the anarchist movement. The Cypherpunks and the anarchists sponsored, by the British metro police and us secret service; they together have robbed and hijacked his Bitcoins and Blockchain technology from him. They have wrongly have cited, that Bitcoin will take away the power from the central banks and governments.

The UK treasury department wanted full information about Bitcoin and Blockchain; Stephen Mollah wrote to Chancellor in 2014 and explained details about his Bitcoin and Blockchain technology. He has created the Bitcoin and Blockchain to empower the Government. He has not designed the Bitcoin and Blockchain for the use of Money launderers or for any other criminal group to misuse it.

Stephen Mollah is now, a fully renounced consecrated religious monk, in this strange world. He is not revealing his identity just to get the Nobel Prize, for his contribution to economic science, as one of the UCLA Professor has nominated him for a Nobel Prize in Economic Science, in the year 2015. He has stated, that the news about the nomination of his Japanese pseudonym, ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ for Nobel Prize on economic science, was a coded message to him from, Ted Nelson’s Video. Actually, it was a classified matter. He will reveal the whole truth in an interview, and he will explain it clearly, why professor Dr Bhagwan of UCLA nominated him, for a Nobel Prize in economic science.

He has no real intention to file case to punish those greedy Bitcoin community leaders; those who have robbed and hijacked his Bitcoins and Blockchain technology from him. Reverend Stephen Mollah has solemnly requested them to leave him and his family members alone; and let him live his life. He has told the Hoffman investigation that, ‘is he the incarnation of Robin Hood or Jesus Christ; For which the government secret service agents are persecuting him brutally; He has no hatred toward the international financial elites, known as establishment. He is a single individual and has no connection to any government or organisation. He has conducted all his digital financial service research work and invented Bitcoin and Blockchain technology independently by himself, to innovate finance and solely to raise funds for doing charity work.

Now the quest for the real Satoshi Nakamoto is finish. Stephen Nour Mollah is Satoshi Nakamoto the inventor of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. It is time for the British government to investigate his Bitcoin and Blockchain Robbery and Hijacking Case, to give him justice. If the British government deny again to investigate his case and give him justice, for fear of Metropolitan Police scandals, and embarrassment; because it is the Metropolitan Police service, US Secret Service and their sponsored computer hackers together collaboratively, have robbed all his Bitcoins and Blockchain technology; then what Reverend Stephen Nour Mollah can do ? Only future will reveal it, in the future. Well, if the government does not want to help Stephen Nour Mollah, to get justice in the Great United Kingdom of Great Britain, because he is not an English white man, then at list the government can ask the police department to stop dangerously and brutally persecuting, and harassing Stephen Nour Mollah and his family members. If Stephen Nour Mollah has committed any offense, or crime by inventing Bitcoin and Blockchain technology to innovate finance, and it has gone against the interest of the western governments or establishment, then the government can summon Stephen Nour Mollah, in the court of justice to justify him; instead the governments’ secret police are dangerously persecuting him secretively by using biological weapon, and microwave to silence and disable him. It is a systematic oppression in this modern civilised time, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain; similar like that of Socrates’ time in Greece, or Jesus Christ time in Judea. Stephen Nour Mollah is a vulnerable victim of a serious organised crime. He is suffering helplessly. Stephen Nour Mollah has finally stand up, and solemnly requested saying, “I plea to the government’s officials, Police departments, central bankers and the financial elites, or any other religious groups and the Bitcoin community leaders, those who have robbed and hijacked my Bitcoin and Blockchain technology project from me; they should leave me and my family alone in peace.” Stephen Nour Mollah is going through a serious persecution and suffering gravely. We will host a live interview with the Bitcoin and Blockchain inventor, Reverend Stephen Nour Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto, in the coming weeks; after the publication of complete Hoffman Investigation Reports.

A Message from Satoshi Nakamoto the Pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology.

I am Stephen Nour Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto. I have invented the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology; after 15 years of constant research, on digital financial service system, on the 5th April 2007 at 4:36 AM. I invented the Bitcoin primarily to raise funds for my charity works, and innovating the financial service industry. When I invented the Blockchain, it was a Eureka moment for me, but now, I have realised that; I wish, I did not invent the Bitcoin and Blockchain technology at all, that has utterly ruined my entire life. I regret for my mistakes, conducting comprehensive research on political economics, since 1992. I am going through a serious oppression and persecution from some International organised group, who has taken over all my digital currency projects from me by a dreadful pirate attack. If I was not a benevolent social engineer, and economic scientist, and I wanted to create a commercial empire, then I could have done that by some other means. I wanted to share all my bitcoins, that I have mined and created to the poor people. And to the bitcoin community members. The Bitcoin community leaders, and the governments’ secret service agents, together, those who are running my Bitcoin system, and spending over £2 million Pounds to persecute and torture me horrendously, it is a merciless brutal crime in this modern world. I am a defenceless and helpless man, why are you persecuting me and my family? I have done no wrong to you. It was not necessary for you all to persecute me and my family, so inhumanely. You have taken away everything from me. What else do you want from me ? I plea to the governments and the Bitcoin community leaders, I am earnestly requesting; Please leave me alone, and let me live my life.

Stephen Nour Mollah aka Satoshi Nakamoto


For complete Hoffman Investigation Report you can visit For further official information you can contact Dr Josef Hoffman



Dr Josef Hoffman

Investigative Journalist, Economic Intelligence Unit.